
Why Exercise?

  We hear over and over again how important exercise is to our health. But do we understand why? Why exercise? What you gain Exercise brings many benefits. Did you know that the simple act of adding exercise to your day can add years to your life? A large study...

Spring Cleaning

It’s no wonder why we often think of spring as a time of renewal, all that melting snow, increased daylight hours and warmer temperatures,  all encouraging us to leave the layers and hibernating of winter behind! This spring why not take the opportunity to look...

Sitting is the new smoking?

Have you heard that sitting is the new smoking? Think of all those hours we spend sitting in front of our computers, on comfy couches binging on our latest fav series, and even the hours we spend sitting in cars commuting or shuttling our kids to and from activities....

Is Food Freedom For you?

Is Food Freedom For you? Like many of you, I too am thankful for my family and friends, a roof over my head and food to enjoy this weekend. I am so Thankful. But, I am even Thankful for the one relationship in my life that tests me the most right now.  At every meal, social gathering or turn...